Getting Started

You can run eMERGEnce with Docker or with coursier.


To get a list of available options run: docker run fgrutsch/emergence:latest --help and you should get the following output:

Usage: emergence --config <path> --vcs-type <bitbucket-cloud> --vcs-api-host <uri> --vcs-login <string> --git-ask-pass <path> [--repo-config-name <string>]

eMERGEnce 0.3.10

Options and flags:
        Display this help text.
    --version, -v
        Print the version number and exit.
    --config <path>
        The path to the eMERGEnce run config file.
    --vcs-type <bitbucket-cloud>
        The type of VCS you want to run eMERGEnce.
    --vcs-api-host <uri>
        The base URI for VCS api calls. e.g.
    --vcs-login <string>
        The username for authenticating VCS API calls.
    --git-ask-pass <path>
        The path to the executable script file that returns your VCS secret for authenticating VCS API calls.
    --repo-config-name <string>
        The name/path of the eMERGEnce config file inside the repository. Default: .emergence.yml

An example docker run command might look like this (depending on the selected VCS type):

docker run -v $HOST_DIR:/opt/emergence -it fgrutsch/emergence:latest \
    --config "/opt/emergence/run-config.yml" \
    --vcs-type "bitbucket-cloud" \
    --vcs-api-host "" \
    --vcs-login ${BITBUCKET_USERNAME} \ 
    --git-ask-pass "/opt/emergence/"


To install eMERGEnce as an executable you can use coursier’s install command. The only thing you have to do is to run:

coursier install --channel emergence

To get a list of available options run: emergence --help and you should get the following output:

Usage: emergence --config <path> --vcs-type <bitbucket-cloud> --vcs-api-host <uri> --vcs-login <string> --git-ask-pass <path> [--repo-config-name <string>]

eMERGEnce 0.3.10

Options and flags:
        Display this help text.
    --version, -v
        Print the version number and exit.
    --config <path>
        The path to the eMERGEnce run config file.
    --vcs-type <bitbucket-cloud>
        The type of VCS you want to run eMERGEnce.
    --vcs-api-host <uri>
        The base URI for VCS api calls. e.g.
    --vcs-login <string>
        The username for authenticating VCS API calls.
    --git-ask-pass <path>
        The path to the executable script file that returns your VCS secret for authenticating VCS API calls.
    --repo-config-name <string>
        The name/path of the eMERGEnce config file inside the repository. Default: .emergence.yml

An example command might look like this (depending on the selected VCS type):

emergence \
    --config "/opt/emergence/run-config.yml" \
    --vcs-type "bitbucket-cloud" \
    --vcs-api-host "" \
    --vcs-login ${BITBUCKET_USERNAME} \ 
    --git-ask-pass "/opt/emergence/"


Please check the Configuration for the format of the file passed via the --config option.

The –git-ask-pass option must be the path to an executable that returns to stdout. For example:

echo "my-git-secret"
The source code for this page can be found here.